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From Whisky Throttle to full throttle - Julia den Hartog has done it all. Coming from a sporting background in cheerleading, netball and dance, it was starting a family that really got the Auckland based girl into dirt bikes. Here is her story in this week’s Queens Catch Up.

Name: Julia den Hartog
Location: Auckland
Bike: TTR125
Been riding for how long?
On and off casually for 13 years and counting. 

TD: How did you get into riding dirt bikes? Who encouraged you (if anyone)?

JdH: Growing up I didn't have anything to do with MX or bikes, my life was cheerleading, dance and netball. My first introduction to bikes was actually at Carl and Lavinia Sorensens place. I went to school with Karis their daughter and we were good mates. I remember hoping on a little bike they had in their garage, thinking I could totally ride it around the yard and whiskey throttled straight into a tree!!!! Haha, naturally I stayed away from bikes for a while after. Later on in life, I met Shawn who was in a stunt team called Asphalt Assault and they were all into motocross too. I did some partner stunting on a road bike with him which was a lot of fun! After our boy was born is when I got my 85 and started riding, just around a few tracks and the odd trail ride. Riding was a big part of everyone close to me at the time and I was working at Northern Accessories so pretty much, my life was bikes, bikes and bikes and even since moving on from that chapter, that is still the situation and I can't see it changing anytime soon.

TD: Tell me what was your first bike and why?

JdH: My first bike was a CR85 and I thought it was the best thing ever and I loved it! I am a shorty and quite little so the idea of jumping on a huge, heavy bike while getting the hang of riding didn’t really appeal. I had a lot of fun on this bike and loved that it was super reliable and started first kick every time! Of course I added some pink modifications. I still remember getting pink air valve tops and being so excited to add them on! I probably got carried away decorating it more than I did riding it - had a pink sticker kit and even a number - 22, which is nothing to do with Chad Reed either, has always been my fav number!

TD: What was the first thing you learned when you started riding?

JdH: The first time I ever rode (properly) was actually at a sand-based trail ride and I kid you not, I nearly gave up riding that day! Apart from the basics of riding, the first thing I ever learnt was that going slow in the sand is not the way to go and giving a little bit of throttle and speed is your best friend and only smooth way out! That was a really challenging day - I think back to it now and I still feel the exhaustion I felt from just completing 1 lap! It's so easy to watch the pros ride and think it's as simple as twisting the throttle but man, it is so hard on your body - I had no idea how many muscles it took to ride a bike and how much cardio it was! I don't think I could walk the next day, my inner thighs were so sore. It certainly was a lot more of a work out than I ever thought it would be. I have so much respect for the people that are at the top of the game! 

TD: What was the first thing you wish you knew/someone had told you when you started riding?

JdH: To look ahead not at the front tyre!!! Especially when heading into ruts, etc. I always used to look at my front tyre and it made tricky parts of the track so much more challenging. Once someone told me, I found things so much easier. I still need to remind myself sometimes but yes, being told that right from the start would have been great. Every time I do look at my tyre in a rut, I either fall off or get stuck. Looking ahead keeps me moving forward and stops me from getting stuck.

TD: What did you initially find easy about riding dirt bikes?

JdH: My background is cheerleading which includes gymnastics so for me, so I find balancing easy. I enjoy standing up on the bike, it just feels more comfortable.  I also think that when I do come off - I seem to somehow do aerial maneuvers thanks to my gymnastics and always end up OK! I can remember way back when I started - I came off quite fantastically and I swear I ended up flying through the air and landed doing a cartwheel! So I'm not sure if that is what you were asking but balancing both on the bike and coming off would be it for me!

TD: What do you still struggle with when out on the trail?

JdH: Haha related to the above, I seem to stand up a lot, so my legs get really tired. I must remember to sit down on the flat parts of the trail to give myself a break, especially longer loops! At the last Queens of Dirt event that is actually some feedback I got, sit down a little more. I think if I can do this - it would make a long loop a lot less exhausting on my legs!! The other thing I struggle with is using my back brake! I tend to only use my front brake! This is defs something I need to work on. 

TD: Who else in the family ride dirt bikes?

JdH: Probably easier question would be who doesn't!! My whole family ride, my partner Brad Exton has always been into bikes and use to race back in the day (kind of making a part-time comeback in the vet class but very intermittently). Brad's probably known to a few people through Mind the Gap which he worked on with a few of his good mates. It's pretty cool being able to show footage from that to our kids, they can't quite comprehend it yet, however! He can also dig pretty cool tracks too. A few of our Summer weekends are spent out at his Motocross track in Te Kauwhata which I love as I can ride around with no pressure and have the track to myself! We also have a little home track that my boys, Tyler and Brooklyn ride around on (13 years and 4 years).  Tyler, my oldest boy races on his YZ85 which is always fun to watch.  Both my boys have been riding since before they could walk. Brooklyn isn't racing yet but he rides as much as he can and I'm not ashamed to say that he probably could beat me around a track - he def can jump higher than me!  Mikayla, 3, our only daughter loves to be doubled around with Brad or myself, but is yet to get on a bike, we might start her on the Oset soon! So, riding is a huge part of our family. I love it. We travel around and ride tracks all over the North Island - such good memories!

TD: Where/who do you get your inspiration/advice/tips/ tricks from right now?

JdH: Brad sometimes gives me advice but that's mainly in the form of, 'you just need to ride more!'. I've probably got the most tips from riding with the ladies, Shelley Hickman has been amazing, her wealth of knowledge and experience is huge and she is more than willing to spend her time riding with me and giving me tips where she can. I think a few of us girls fan-girl over her amazing stories that she has - I feel super lucky to be able to ride with her! Events like Queens of Dirt have been fab as the pros are on hand to help and offer advice which has also been great! Other than that, my pretty cool 13-year-old Tyler gives me tips every now and then, he will sometimes follow me around the farm moto track and give me feedback. I must admit, it's pretty cool having your child be able to be an expert and teach you a few things! I think the best advice I've had is to keep a finger on the clutch and brake - that way, if you get a bit loose, you can keep it together and attempt a safe recovery!

TD: Why are you riding the bike you are on right now, and what do you like most about it?

JdH: To be honest, I'm riding the bike I have now as it’s what's in the shed! I don’t feel confident riding a huge bike....yet, and I don’t really ride too much to justify getting a better one. For now it’s perfect and does what I need it to, to have fun! 

TD:What would be the one thing you could change about your current bike?

JdH: I would make it slightly bigger as I feel it's probably a little too small but in saying that - when I come off and have to pick up the bike - I certainly don't mind that it is smaller! 

TD: Do you have a dream bike?

JdH: I have always wanted a CRF150, it might be a little bit heavy for me, which is probably a good incentive to not fall off! 

TD: What kind of riding do you enjoy doing the most?

JdH: Just having a go wherever I can. I love trail rides but I also like motocross tracks as I can set myself little challenges as I get more familiar with the layout. Like trying to jump a little higher to actually get some air and not just feel the suspension raise which often makes me feel like I am sky high, or leaning into a corner a little more and trying to get a little faster.

TD: What else do you get up to beside be a badass chick on a dirt bike. Any other hobbies etc?

JdH: Apart from being a Mum, I love health and fitness and going to the gym! We have an awesome home gym and I am probably a little addicted - def my daily 'me time'! For those that know of Dianna Dahlgren, I actually had her as an online coach a couple of years ago when I first got into fitness and the gym. I got to facetime her every week for a couple of months, it was surreal having seen her on Supercross, etc to be talking to her weekly. She is so lovely and definitely an inspiration of mine! I also love handstands, dance and gymnastics! These have always been a part of my life and my current challenge is to smash a 1 min still handstand! Mountain biking with my family and getting out for bush walks are also something I love to do - anything active.  

TD: What is one piece of advice that you would give other girls thinking about getting into dirt bikes?

JdH: Don’t hesitate! It's so much fun and there's something cool about saying as a female that you ride dirt bikes. The other positive thing is that the dirt bike world is like a family! Everyone you come across is so awesome, it's a cool environment to be in. Kinda old school in the fact that a lot of things/activities these days people don’t really mingle or talk at, but at the track or a trail ride everyone is so friendly and it's a good way to meet new people! Always good peeps!

TD: Tell us about your Queens of Dirt experience at the Rise of the Queens event and are you going to ‘It's a Girl Gang’?

JdH: QOD was amazing! I literally had the best time at this event! I learnt heaps of tips from the little coaching session I had and felt confident to have a go on the trails without feeling intimated by fast guys on big bikes. The range of abilities at the event meant that everyone had a place and felt comfortable. People were so encouraging and it just made the whole experience perfect! I met some awesome new friends there too! Topped off with a cool dinner and drinks, honestly was so good!

And YES, I've already bought my ticket for It's A Girl Gang and I can’t wait to do it again and gain even more confidence on the bike!!



And don’t forget to register for their upcoming event - It’s A Girl Gang!

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