Power Adventures Limited

Proudly Presents the 2025


Welcome to the Power Adventures, Honda Kids Camps Registration Page for the 2025 season.

Thanks for joining us for what will be another awesome time of dirt bike riding, camping, swimming, sliding, finding, running, sleeping, eating, colouring, and hanging out with all the great camp families.

Registrations are open.

Online registration: We continue on with our online registration system that makes things not only easier for you, but also easier for our admin team too. Please simply click on the camp below that you want to sign up for and complete the online form to register for the camp, followd by an online payment.

Payment Plan Option: This year, we will have a payment plan system for those who need to spread the payments out over a few months. If this is you, please contact chris@thedirt.co.nz with the subject line ‘Kids Camp Payment Plan’ and we will start this process.

You can find our 2025 Honda Kids Camps Terms and Conditions here, which you can download and bring with you to camp for easy reference.

If you have any registration issues or concerns, please feel free to contact Chris on 0-222-777-626, or email us using chris@thedirt.co.nz.

From Greg, Sally, Chris and Larissa, we can’t wait to see you at one of our four Honda Kids Camps this season!

More details will come to hand when available. Keep an eye out on the Honda Kids Camp Facebook Page for all updates.

If you want to learn more about our Kids Camps – please click here for more info.

Below are the 2025 locations and dates.
Click on the camp location you want to attend to begin the registration process.


JANUARY 9/10/11/12



MARCH 7/8/9

APRIL 4/5/6



What to know what Kids Camp life is all about - check these out!