The 2020 Port Waikato Trail Ride was just as you would expect…another ripper. The beating sun and dry conditions didn’t stop hundreds of riders from using their Waitangi Day wisely, making the small seaside township of Port Waikato their annual destination again.
Riders started blowing in from about 7am and didn’t stop till around lunch time. The sign on ladies were tapped out all day.
Getting the low-down on the track is always important. Track Boss Greg Power had everyone at attention and made sure to give his obligatory KTM not making it up some of the hills banter. Always good feature of Port Waikato.
X meant you promised that you would never go backwards on the track - ever. You made that promise to Charre Jobe and you can’t break it or she will find you.
The first guy to the the trails at 9:01am was this guy? Anyone know who this eager beaver was? He is probably the only guy all day who had no dust.
Then there was a slew of riders tacking the ‘trickiest’ part of the whole track…the dreaded creek crossing - 100m from the start.
Que the slew of riders.
More of slew - this was all day too.
And just when you thought it was safe… the creek monster strikes….
The Creek Monster did not discriminate.
Thought he did like Kawasaki’s.
Back to regular programming and farm land trails.
If you love farm land trail rides then Port Waikato is your jam.
Pine forest blocks too for those who can dodge trees.
2020 - the year that some people need to learn how to read.
The pines section proved to be a bit of a rest from the dusty main trail and it was used plenty.
What makes Port Waikato one of a kind venue.
The crazy good views of the Tasman Sea.
Beach fun for everyone…
The track home was another good one with the small amount of moisture helping those in the moto train.
My whip for the weekend. The 2004 CR125. What. A. Blast!
The Creek Monster did not make an appearance at the final creek crossing of the day - thankfully. But lets be honest….
He was too busy here looking for his next victim.
Once you had done a few laps, the free BBQ was a popular hang out.
The line was out the gate - but with well over 500 sausages on the heat no one was left hungry.
The beginners and Groms cut laps around their track with reckless abandon.
Tearing up the dry ground and cutting in ruts where you thought would be impossible.
Vehicles for days. with nearly 800 riders, the 2020 Port Waikato Trail ride was one for the books!
Brought to you by Power Adventures and proudly supported by Honda New Zealand.
See you all next year!